
AXON, when corded solution becomes flexible and scalable

AXON is the latest and most advanced terminal able to manage all corded solutions and designed to fit all applications

AXON allows you to run all corded tools – handheld, pistol, or spindles – on a single platform. It can handle torque ranges from 0.5 Nm to more than 2000 Nm, providing the flexibility you need to meet the most demanding fastening applications. AXON optimizes and simplifies the maintenance management and evolve with your production lines.

Discover AXON

Our most advanced platform for corded solutions

Full flexibility and scalability for maximum productivity. AXON's key features


Top of class maintenance

The Separate Drive and Module system enhances rebalancing and line optimization. One Drive supports multiple applications, use cases, and tools.


Web user interface

New approach to live monitoring. Access results and data anytime, anywhere, with unlimited simultaneous connections.


Tool's diversity

AXON offers a versatile selection of corded tools to meet all your needs. With our diverse range of tools, we can handle torque requirements from 0.5Nm to 2000Nm.


Easy line rebalancing

Backup in the Drive and in module. Easy to rebalance by switch the module or the drive


Agile feature management

With the feature rebalancing mode, you can easily adjust a digital feature from one station to accommodate line evolution.


Fooprint optimization

Compact terminal with an optimized footprint and no adaptors required.

Key benefits of AXON
AXON is born to run all Desoutter's corded tools
Unique terminal to fit all corded tools

One platform to run all corded tools, from 0.5 to 2000 Nm.

Flexible & Scalable

Adjust the features based on your needs

Optimised maintenance

USB-C service port for direct access to data.

Compact & lightweight

30% more compact and lighter than CVI 3

Want to discuss with one of our experts?

Standard Packs

For corded tools use only


    Torque, Angle, Curve
    Torque, Angle, Curve
    Torque and/or angle control Torque and/or angle monitoring
    Open protocol

    Torque, Angle, Curve
    Torque control angle monitoring
    Open protocol

Extra Features

  • Automation control with CVI LOGIX

Want to know more about our packs?

Uncover details of AXON

AXON may not be available for sale in all markets. Please contact your local sales office for the current product assortment and availability.

AXON Product Environmental Card

Discover AXON Product Environmental Card showcasing CO² savings

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To boost your flexibility